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Social distancing can be tough. Let’s face it. With the lack of human contact and ability to go out and do some of the things we love it’s hard to have much motivation to do anything. Now I know what you’re thinking. It seems the perfect time to watch every season of The Office or watch every extended version of Lord of the Rings. But before you start up the streaming services, let’s talk about five of the best things you can do with your time while your social distancing.

  1. Make a schedule

Now that quarantines are in effect and social distancing is a social norm, it’s easy to have a lot of free time on your hands. The best way to get the most out of each day is to make a schedule of what you want to accomplish throughout the day.

  1. Exercise – get OUTSIDE

Exercising can provide both mental and physical relief. Although many gyms have shut their doors, that doesn’t mean you can’t work out from home. If you don’t feel motivated to exercise indoors, consider going hiking or other outdoor activities that can give you fresh air.

  1. Pick up a new or old hobby

Many people are finding extra time to finish a book or relearn an instrument. Discovering new hobbies and relearning old ones can be an excellent way to stay mentally active as well as interesting! There’s nothing like the feeling of learning something new or finding a talent you never knew you had.

  1. Clean

Working and living in a clean environment has been proven to help you be more efficient and create in your everyday life. Spend some time to clean that room you never had time for. Make a goal to get a certain amount of cleaning per day, making it as manageable as possible. Don’t forget to call your local Coastal Chem-Dry! We use hospital-grade sanitizers that can kill viruses.

  1. Reach out to others

Even though social distancing can be hard, it still doesn’t mean we can’t reach out to loved ones through technology or even hand written letters. Volunteer to get groceries for an elderly family member. Spend time with your children or nieces/nephews.

Although this time can be difficult in a lot of ways, there are many activities that can make it a beneficial time to get to know ourselves better. Consider implementing some of these ideas in your life today!